HEEEYYY!!!!!!! TWEAKED!!!!!!!!
Sorry, been really busy haven't been able to say hi lately.
And as for playing late like I used, I don't think that will be happening that much if at all any more.
I changed my weekends, when I get home I stay up and take a nap for bout 2 hours on Friday then go. By 9, 10pm I'm really tired and have to hit the sack. Then I wake up at 7am or so and I'm wide awake for the whole day on satuday, really liking it.
I'm heading to bed as I write this right now. 8:45pm your time. With the change I just can't make it till midnight anymore, but at least I get to be awake the whole day
So hopefully you can get on before 8 central so I can poke ur eyes out
Thinking about playing a little heavy again when I get on, been playing a lot of medium lately though cuz my isp is crap and i get horrible pings lately, unable to snipe.
Well *yawn* c ya round bro. MISS YA LOTS!!!!!!!! Just like when Freely got busy with life missed him too. But now your gone, or have been, and FREELY CAME BACK TO PLAY AGAIN!!! So actually, yeah, uve been replaced tweaked