Not Sir Phobos, There were alot of things I said that I would normaly have known were going to be wrong, and would not of said...
Corn is very right this should have stayed the mole hill it was.
I have maid one mistake after another in this hole situation.
Ok no more smurfing.
Besides I'm back to my normal slopy game paly anyway.
I do take a bit of exciption to the emplecation that I team kill for fun.
There was quite a long peared wear I was not playing at all, and I realy sucked when I came back.
At this point I realize that it would have been better to of been called a Noob, but at the time I didn't realize the alternative would lead to, well this.
I'm not so sure it was 3 mnths.
Now that I think about it I'd say more like 5 or 6 weeks.
Indi was just trying to do me a favore, and I'm afraid there was a brake down in comunication.
To answer the quistion I didn't feel it was that big a deal at first.
I thought "Hmm that sucks, Oh well it wont last, and I'm just playing for a little fun any way."
A week or so later I had gotten to the point wear I felt ready to actualy be part of a team again, and I PM'd Lady Death thinking if I was going to be back in the league I would need to be able to paly on your serverand as Dawg said it was kind of starting to eat at me.
That was just under 3 weeks ago.
Last week I realized that I would not be able to attend a scrim that I was suposed to be cocaptining, and that I didn't even know why...
That is when I contacted you TweakeD, and that prety much brings us up to date.
Wait one other thing some one sugested I fined another game...
To that I can only say.
There are othere games?!?!
Gid loves his Tribes in all of it's forms, and I intend to be palying it as long as there is at least one person that I can play against.