We were partying on an island in the delta around April one year, complete with beer and bonfire when we all drug out the fireworks
Twards the end of the evening one of the drunk party goers wobbled down to the mortar tube to send off another mortar. He was just about to light it when we saw a dark spot in the water channel. We all screamed stop and the mortar plan was put on hold until the boat that was driving at night without any nav lights on passed out of our field of range. The mortar was lit, then, another boat! Aww crap! We couldn't stop the mortar fuse so we just let it fly...
The entire sky lit up with a bright white star field directly over the Sheriff's boat that was now directly in front of us illuminating the Sheriff sticker so brightly that I'm sure Hubble has it on it't database somewhere
While we were fecalating ourselves, he lit up his light bar and siren and took off at full speed. Never to be seen by us again
We figure the first boat was traffiking drugs and the sheriff's boat was stalking him or something. In the end we never knew