So all im saying is, it doesnt make any of us feel good about the league to have other teams resenting osis, gc or motb without acknowledging how hard weve worked and what were dealing with.
in the quote, i am speaking for myself and my team (not osis or gc) in that i dont like to see us, osis or GC openly resented or mischaracterized based on assumptions as we have been by various posts in this thread. It wasnt my intention to insinuate other clans havent worked hard, just that in this thread- motb, osis and gc were all sited specifically and due to my experience with the teams i chose to speak on it.
I dont mind rephrasing it though. Hows this:
So all im saying is, it doesnt make me feel good about the league to have other teams resenting osis, gc or motb based on what i see as inaccurate assumptions.
Here are the quotes that i read resentment and mistaken assumptions in:
Why are we using their server? I would like to point out that i wasnt pleased with playing on their server because of lag and the fact that they sub'd the most important position in the game to }i{. I dont think we would have won either way but i also think it would have been closer.
I agree with hunter i think this is there way of putting an osis player on there team. We really need to play on our server. From what i heard and seen GC are getting there tips and stradegies from osis and i dont trust that server. I personally wouldnt give them the chance to do that but thats just me.
From what slipstream has told me they played mark of the beast last night and they had 2 osis people capping with them. Then they couldnt finish one match cause server crashed. I dont mind playing on the server i would like to play GC not osis.
Sorry but what i was told was that they had 3 people playing with the mark of the beast against vf and thats just not right they arent registered with the mark of the beast and they were all capping for mark of the beast and its a BEML season match. Im sorry i just dont think that is right.
i just dont get it i mean gc supposedly has enough for 2 teams of people but yet they need subs each match,,,,,,,,,doesnt make much sense to me and for rd i am sorry they used 2 of our best players,,,savage and dark to help them
I'm with sound guy on this one. Why do you tribes need to ONLY have good players on your team. What is wrong with having people with a good attitude even if they can't cap out a map in 3 or 4 minutes. Is it because you want peeps so shiver when they see the }I{ tag???? I don't know, but if it wasn't for RD I wouldn't have gained a ton of skill in this game. Playing on a team gave me the ability to increase my skill rapidly. It takes time to get better and if you want the best you should train the best. If you think people can never get really good, then how did everyone get so good in the first place? Install the game and click the mouse and you own everyone, no. So no disrespect here, but I think in order for Vengeance to stay alive and to make it possible for many to play beml. Take in some kinda newbies, train them to what you want, and let them gain skill. Tribes Vengeance is going to die if everyone begins to get selfish about skill.