I assure you that I would not, and have not
ever intentionally used rude, or crude,
languedge of any kind on any server(smurfing or not) , and I have frineds of all racesses.
If you have proff, or can even remember what you think I said I want to know.
The fact is that I have lead(, and still do at age 35) a life so filled with Christ and his love
that I have from time to time said things that others felt was out of line,
but that I had no Ideah ment anything like what they took it to mean.
I well say this
No one who behaves the way you discribe, to such a strong maner
as to get kicked from a server is now, or well ever be a buddy of mine!
Furthere I'm quite sure that had you asked one singal person that knows me
(, and I'm prepaired to give you a long list. Starting with Corn}{olio, Sound_Guy, Dawg,
and any one esle that has ever been a member of =IV= for more then a week)
they would have laffed you out of MIRC for suggesting it.
I do wish that some one had checked into it, or at least told me what the issue was.
I was playing in the server and Bam I was banned.
I was at the time of the Ban playing under a smurf (Ronin), and in light of this information I well not be useing that smurf agian.
I was on speridian, and I was doing some farming to slow down the raiping of our base.
I was not typeing any thing.
I may have used some global v-chat, but unless we have gone to assinging meaning to v-chat that I know nothing about I was saying nothing wrong.
I use the following when pubbing please tell me if they mean somthing so I can cease useing them.
- vgrt Thnx
vgcg GG
Vgs Shazbot
vgo oops
(I'm quite sure you can take shazbot to mean somthing rude, but I acctualy whatched Mork&Mindy and I know it's origins...)
Lady death I returned your PM weeks ago, and I have a copy of my reply.
Along with your replys Tweaked...
I fined it odd that you say nothing about the insedent in your reply's to me.
Were it I, and I had banned some one for that type of offense...
Well first off that some one would not have needed to ask me,
and I would have maid very sure that he, or she was indeed the person that I thought they were,
and I would have been very sure that they were actualy saying what I was accusing them of.
Or in fact even capable of saying what I was accuseing them of.
At this point I have no desire to play on your server.
In fact I realy was more worried about the reason then lifting the ban all along.
(If you would like proof of that I can post my PM's asking both Lady,
Tweaked, and S-G to look into this for me.)
My only reason for wanting to left the Ban is that I am a (long time) member of the BEML, I enjoy playing T:V,
and hope to someday soon be on a team that is in the league.
As I seem to be emportant to any team I play with, not because of skill so much as the fact that I play with a livel head,
and provide stability to any team I'm a part of.
No You Don't need to take my word, just trot over to
=IV=, and ask them.
Or Go ask Sound_Guy, Jetoh, Or Corn}{olio of NXA.
I gairenty they well not only tell you if you ask them,
but my bit is that b4 the week is out S_G, and Corn (at the least).
Well fined there way over here to laugh at you in person for this nonsince.
=IV= Gideon
Smurfing under.
Farmer Smurf