I'll explain this as much as I can. (I wish I had a mic).
Imagine if you will a grid overlay on your screen. That looks like this:
Noticed how each section has an x and y varible, as well as how each varible has either a positve or negative value to it.
The way this works is a centered item you wanted moved up and to the right would recieve a positive x value greater than zero, and a positive y value greater than zero. To move that same item, from the same centered starting position, down and to the left you would have to give it a negative x value greater than zero and a negative y value greater than zero. Something like this:
To figure out the distances take your resolution, in my case 1024x768 and divide both number by two to find the size of each section of the x,y axis in pixels. This gives me 512x384 in each section. 512 pixels from point (0,0) to the right and to the left on the x axis, and 384 pixels from point (0,0) to the top and to the bottom on the y axis. Like this:
To simplify the process of moving hud elements around the screen IGA create groupings called containers. The container draws a box, of a size which you define using the width and height functions, and that box then holds all the hud elements that follow after it until it reaches another container. This means you can move the container to position and all the hud elements inside that container will move with it. This also helps with positioning hud elements inside of the container because now you can use the container to restrict the movements of the hud elements that are contained within it. In essences it draws another grid inside the container using the defined parameters you set. Like this:
This concept is pretty straight forward for anyone that has used a word proccessor. Simply put it aligns the HUD elements to either the top, bottom, center, middle, left, right, next, or previous. For simplicity's sake all vertical alignments are going to be either top, bottom, middle, next or previous. All horizontal alignments are going to be Left, right, center, next, or previous.
The next or previous alignments match an axis of the hud with the next or previous hud in the container's corresponding axis. This is used when dealing with the weapon icons, the vertical alignment its uses the next hud's or the previous hud's axis for reference.
Pos is used for position. It simply means the position of where the hud should start. The positions are PosX=* and PosY=*
This controls the size.
The offset is just the number of pixels to offset the hud in relationship to the alignment and positioning you have given it. The offsets are OffsetX=* and OffsetY=* when * is the point on the respective axis.
(I'm tired of typing now so its gonna get a little complex, sorry Mach)
Advanced example of the Containers (Using the chat HUD as reference):
The following is found in your TribeHUD.ini
[default_MessageContainer]<=====This signifies the container start.
horizontalAlignment=HALIGN_Left<===Here is the Horizontal or X alignment
verticalAlignment=VALIGN_Top<=====Here is the Vertical or Y alignment
horizontalFill=HFILL_Relative<=====Not quite sure what this is so I don't touch it
RelativeWidth=0.4375<========Not quite sure what this is so I don't touch it
Width=330<=======Width in pixels
Height=90<=======Height in pixels
OffsetY=2<=======Offset Y in pixels
OffsetX=5<=======Offset X in pixels
[default_MessageWindow]<=======First Hud element in the container
bStretched=true)<=======This is the texture to be used in for the hud element.
borderTop=4<=======Size of the Top border in pixels
borderLeft=4<=======Size of the left border in pixels
borderBottom=4<=======Size of the bottom border in pixels
borderRight=4<=======Size of the right border in pixels
maxDisplayableLines=4<=======Number of lines that the Chat hud shows by default
SecondsPerWord=0.75<=======Not sure what it is so I don't touch it
templateMessageLabelName="GlobalMessage"<=======Not sure what it is so I don't touch it
For all the textures open up TVed.exe in your program/bin folder and click on the checkerboard Icon.
These are all the textures you can use in T:V. The drawcolor= controlls the color of the texture that is used with the
Green, and
Blue values as well as the transparency of it with the
Alpha value. Style= is a switch to turn the texture on or off. 1=on 0=off.
That should get you started. Look through the entire tribeshud.ini file and try to get an Idea of what
controlls each hud. The flaghud is located under [default_Carryable].